Why `Pin` is a part of trait signatures (and why that's a problem)
— 2024-10-15

  1. why pin is part of method signatures
  2. implications
  3. conclusion

I've been wondering for a little while why the Future::poll methods takes self: Pin<&mut Self> in its signature. I assumed there must have been a good reason, but when I asked my fellow WG Async members nobody seemed to know off hand why that was exactly. Or maybe they did, and I just had some trouble following. Either way, I think I've figured it out, and I want to spell it out for posterity so that others can follow too.

Why Pin is part of method signatures

Take for example a type MyType and a trait MyTrait. We can write an implementation of MyTrait which is only available when MyType is pinned:

trait MyTrait {
    fn my_method(&mut self) {}
struct MyType;
impl<T> MyTrait for Pin<&mut MyType> {}

Inside of functions we can even write bounds for this. Shout out here to Eric Holk who showed me that apparently the left-hand side of trait bounds can contain arbitrary types - not only generics or even types that are part of the function signature. I had no idea.

With that we can express that we're taking some type T by-value, and once we pin that value it will implement MyTrait:

fn my_function<T>(input: T)
    for<'a> Pin<&'a mut T>: MyTrait,
    let pinned_input = pin!(input);

Inside of MyTrait::my_method, the type of self will be &mut Pin<&mut Self>. That's not the same as the owned type Pin<&mut Self>, but luckily we can convert that into an owned type by calling Pin::as_mut. The docs contain a big explainer why it's safe here to go from a mutable reference to an owned instance, which intuitively goes against Rust's ownership rules.

But what happens now if rather than writing a generic type T with a where clause, we instead want to use an impl trait in associated position (APIT). We might want to write something like this:

// how do we express those same bounds here?
fn my_function<T>(input: impl ???) {
    let pinned_input = pin!(input);

But we have no way to express that exact bound. Unlike regular generics, APITs can't express the left-hand side of the bound (lvalue), they can only name the right-hand side (rvalue). This becomes even more pronounced when we try and use impl Trait in return position (RPTIT).

Take for example a function that returns some type T. Using concrete trait bounds we can express that this returns a type which when pinned implements MyTrait:

fn my_function<T>() -> T
    for<'a> Pin<&'a mut T>: MyTrait,
    MyType {}

But if we then try and express that same function using RPTIT, we lose the ability to express that bound. The only solution to express an -> impl Trait which exposes functionality when it's pinned, is to make Pin directly part of the signature on the methods, and not implement the trait for a Pin<&mut Type>:

trait MyTrait {
    fn my_method(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {} // ← note the signature of self here
struct MyType;
impl MyTrait for MyType {} // ← no longer implemented for `Pin<&mut MyType>`

And now all of a sudden we can express -> impl MyTrait whose methods can only be called when MyType is pinned. With Unpin being the opt-out for types where that is not the case.

fn my_function() -> impl MyTrait { // Can be either pinned or not!
    MyType {}


Concretely what this means is that if you want to have a trait that wants to work with pinned values and work with all language features like normal, you have to use self: Pin<&mut Self> part of the method signature. Maybe that's not a big deal for new traits, but it has implications for every existing trait in the stdlib.

Take for example the Iterator trait. We can't just impl Iterator for Pin<&mut T> and expect RPTIT to work. Instead the expected route here seems like it should be to introduce a new trait PinnedIterator that takes self: Pin<&mut T>. This is a backwards-incompatibility shared by all existing traits in the stdlib except for Future, which already takes self: Pin<&mut Self>. That's a pretty big limitation, and something that's worth factoring into discussions about the viability of Pin beyond Future. For Iterator it means we would want to mint at least the following variants:

// iterator
trait Iterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Item>;

// address-sensitive iterator
trait PinnedIterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(self: Pin<&mut self>) -> Option<Item>;

To run through some more implications of this: if we want to Rust users to be able to declare address-sensitive types in Rust, then the most likely path now is a duplication of the traits in the std::io submodule taking a shape similar to this:

mod io {
    pub trait Read { ... }
    pub trait PinnedRead { ... }
    pub trait Write { ... }
    pub trait PinnedWrite { ... }
    pub trait Seek { ... }
    pub trait PinnedSeek { ... }
    pub trait BufRead { ... }
    pub trait PinnedBufRead { ... }

Pinning, like async and try, is a combinatorial property of traits which leads to an exponential amount of duplication. Lucky for us duplicating traits is not the only possible path we can take: some form of polymorphism for existing interfaces over Pin seems possible too - as long as we're willing to change our formulation of it. Which was what lead me to formulate my design for the Move auto-trait, which is composable just like e.g. Send and Sync.


I want to quickly shout out my fellow WG Async folks. We've been talking about this a bunch, and it's been helpful working through this. Even if it's taken me a couple of months to actually get around to posting this. Any mistakes in this post however are definitely my own.

In this post I mainly wanted to articulate why Future takes self: Pin<&mut Self> rather than &mut self and rely on impl Future for Pin<&mut T>. I think I've found a good reason for that, and it has again to do with the left- and right-hand side of bounds. For me this also confirms my hypothesis that any design for generalized self-referential types needs to be able to capture the following:

  1. The ability to mark a type as being immovable
  2. The ability to transition types from being movable to immovable
  3. The ability to construct immovable types in-place
  4. The ability to extend existing interfaces with immovability
  5. The ability to describe self-referential lifetimes
  6. The ability to safely initialize self-references without Option

This post specifically covered the fourth requirement: the ability to extend existing interfaces with immovability. Addressing that can take the form of duplication of interfaces (e.g. Iterator vs PinnedIterator), or composition via (auto-)traits (e.g. Move). Other methods might be possible too, and I would encourage people with ideas to share them.

Poignadzur has independently described why and how pinned types need to be able to be constructed in-place. Their post showed examples of both the third and sixth requirements in the list. They introduced a form of emplacement via the -> pin Type notation. This is similar to the more general -> super Type notation I introduced in my post, which I adapted from Mara's super let post.

I hope this post helps at least partially clarify why Pin needs to be part of interfaces. As well as helped spell out some of the logical consequences once we consider how it interacts with the stdlib's strict backwards-compatibility requirements. Because I believe we can and should do better than duplicating entire interfaces over the axis of immovability.